Benjamin Robert Martin

Arts & Science
Cadet Private, Sergeant, Member of the Ring Committee, Sophomore Junior Dance Committee, Bridge Club; Manager Varsity Baseball; Block “C” Club
Grosse Point, Michigan
Married; One Son
Army, Captain
Company A, 757 Tank Battalion
Jul 24, 1911
Jul 12, 1943
Killed in Action - Casablanca, North Africa
Buried in Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, Virginia; Section 12, Site 4903
Additional Information
I was assigned to Co. “A1* of the 757th and served in Co. “A” the rest of my time in the army. Training at Fort Ord, under Colonel Tow and Colonel Cronk, lasted until the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. By this time, we had received six or seven tanks for each of the three companies and a full compliment of officers and enlisted men. I recall among the new officers was a little kid who could have been accepted as a sophomore in high school. His name was Ted Rosen, 2nd. Lt; also, a First Lt. named Benjamin Martin. These two officers served in “A” Co. for the remainder of their lives.Extract From _ An Historical Account ~ Vaughan E. Alien ~ My grandpa’s BN at https://patriotfiles.freeforums.org/an-historical-account-vaughan-e-alien-my-grandpa-s-bn-t567.html#p4769