Edward A. Smith


Industrial education

Cadet Sergeant First Class, First Lieutenant Platoon Leader; Arnold Air Society; Iota Lambda Sigma; Executive Sergeants Club; YMCA Council

Spartanburg, South Carolina

Married Betty Turner Smith

Air Force, Captain

Nighthawk Program at England Air Force Base Louisiana

Sep 29, 1929

Aug 6, 1954

Killed while conducting the Nighthawk Program at England AFB Louisiana.

Greenlawn Memorial Gardens, Spartanburg, SC

Personal Remembrances

Personal remembrances and tributes:
"He was a F-86 fighter pilot with the 4th Fighter Wing, 336th Fighter Interceptor Squadron from March 1953 through March 1954 during the Korean War. He returned to the states in March 1954."

An extract from an email from LTC USAFR-Ret Otha H. “Skeet” Vaughan. 8/28/02

Additional Information

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Extra Documents

Night Haze – Vignette written by Kelly Durham for The Echo