George Albert Hendley
Textile Engineering
Spartanburg, South Carolina
He was survived by his parents, Walter H. Hendley and Iva May (George) Hendley; and a sister, Mrs. Elizabeth H. Bradford
Army, Second Lieutenant
119th Infantry Regiment, 30th Infantry Division
Purple Heart
Mar 8, 1924
Dec 21, 1944
Killed in Action in La Gleize, Belgium
West Oakwood Cemetery, Spartanburg, SC
Additional Information
Second Lieutenant Hendley attended Clemson College for his freshman year. In October 1942 he volunteered for active duty. He was placed into the enlisted reserves at Wofford College and called to active duty in April 1943. Hendley reported to Fort Jackson and was sent to Camp Croft outside of Spartanburg for basic training. He was then ordered to Fort Benning, Georgia for Officers Candidate School. He was commissioned in February 1944. After steps at Camp Fanning, Texas and Camp Van Doren, Mississippi, Hendley shipped overseas in July.