Harry Nelson Anderson



Marksman, ROTC Camp

Newberry, SC

Parents: Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Anderson of West Palm Beach, FL. Also survived by a half-brother, Paul E. Anderson, Jr.

Army Air Force, Second Lieutenant

2AF, 346th Bomb Group, 502nd Bomb Squadron.

Oct 17, 1919

Sep 5, 1943

Lieutenant Anderson was one of six men killed when the bomber they were in went down in flames in Tennessee while on a routine training flight. He was stationed at Dyersburg, TN at the time.

Rosemont Cemetery, Newberry, SC


Additional Information

Aircraft Accident Report #44-9-5-11
  • Unit: 2AF_ 346th Bomber Group, 502nd Squadron.
  • Type of Aircraft: B-17, No. 42-30690
  • Station: AAR, Dyersburg, Tenn.
  • Pilot’s Mission: High attitude mission, enroute to rendezvous point for mission in Gulfport, Mississippi
  • Nature of accident: Airplane disintegrated in the air.
  • Date of accident: September 5th, 1943
  • Number of crew: 10

According to Aircraft Accident Report #44-9-5-11: At 8000 feet the flight indicator went out and the pilot had considerable difficulty in flying the airplane under instrument conditions.  It appeared as though after getting into the clear, the pilot continued to climb and went into the overcast again trying to reach 20,000 feet, though bombardier states the airplane exceeded the maximum safe operation conditions which placed a great strain on the airplane.  It is believed because of the statements of the co-pilot and bombardier concerning this attitude of flight and the loss of control surface that the airplane went out of control and into a spin, thereby disintegrating and crashing.

According to the report of the Co-pilot 2Lt Morence, he noticed excessive cylinder head temperature on engines 1, 3 and 4, and opened the cowl flips.  “Then there was a explosion that jolted the plane and we went off into a spiral to the right.  We leveled the plane off but immediately it went off to the left in a spin.  Then after few seconds of being tossed around, the fuselage broke right at the top turret and managed to get out of the way.  I noticed the pilot, Lt. Anderson, getting out.  My chute was buckled at the thighs only and not across my chest and when it opened I was coming down head first.  I managed to turn and land flat on my back.

2nd LT Anderson, Harry N. [PILOT]
2nd LT Morence, Leonard J. [CO-PILOT] 2nd LT Kohlhof, Andrew G.
2nd LT Stinson, John A. Jr.
S/SGT Gerafeld, Milton (NMI)
SGT Goodner, Donald A.
SGT Mullins, Clyde (NMI)
SGT Funai, Clement J.
SGT French, O. R.
SGT Nincehelser, Forland F.
Other: He attended city schools in Newberry, SC and also the West Palm Beach, FL high school.  After graduating from Clemson College, he went immediately into the armed service and received his wings at Columbus, MS in March 1943.

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Extra Documents

Vignette Written by Kelly Durham for The Echo – Organizational Training