Howell Fulton Davis


Attended Clemson during the 1938-1940 school years

Mullins (Rowell Township), South Carolina

Parents - Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Davis. 

Army Air Force, Technical Sergeant

436th Bomb Squadron, 7th Bomb Group, Heavy

Purple Heart, Air Medal

Aug 20, 1921

Nov 30, 1942

KIA - Shot down during a night raid over Rangoon, Berma

Memorialized at Manila American Cemetery and Memorial and at Lloyd Cemetery, near Mullins, SC.


Additional Information

He enlisted in the Army Air Forces on October 4, 1940 and was serving as a radioman.

MARC #: 16190; Aircraft Model:  B24; S/N#:  41-11912
Command or AAF/ AF: Group: 7th Bomb Group; Squadron: 436 Bomb
Target: Rangram, Nepal, Date: 29 Nov 1942;
Number of Person Aboard Aircraft-  Crew: 9  Passengers: 0  Total: 9

List of Crew (crew positions, name, rank, status -all KIA)
1st Lt. Akarman, Thomas H. Pilot
1st Lt. Glaessmen, Robert A. Co-pilot
1st Lt. Burkhardt, Harry H.    Nav
1st Lt. Verduseo, Frank R.      Bomb
T/Sgt. Forman, Thomas H.
T/Sgt. Robinson, Maurice W.
T/Sgt. Davis, Howell F.      Radio Op
S/Sgt. Scofield, Ernest M.
S/Sgt. Burkett, Russell M.
Narrative or eye witness statements – None

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Extra Documents

Howell Fulton Davis – Vignette written by Kelly Durham for The Echo