Joe Hutchinson Meadors, Jr.

General Science
Dillon, South Carolina
Army Air Force, Second Lieutenant (Bombardier)
33rd Bomb Squadron, 22nd Bomb Group
May 26, 1914
Apr 21, 1942
Died Non Battle - Died in a airplane crash-B-26 Marauder crashed near Townsville, Australia after takeoff at Garbutt Field. Eight crew members were killed.
National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific, Honolulu, Hawaii. There is a memorial marker in Evergreen Cemetery, Dillon, SC.
Additional Information
Lt. Louis A. Almeida, pilot, 23 yrs, from Pennsylvania
Lt. Roy H. Baxter, co-pilot, 24 yrs, from New York
Jack Ingram, Navigator, 23 yrs, from Illinois
Lt. Joe H. Meadors, Jr., bombardier, 27 yrs, from South Carolina
Lt. Edgar S. Taylor, pilot, 24 yrs, from New York
Sgt. Robert M (or A.). Keich, radio operator; 24 yrs, from Ohio
Pfc. Joe H.. Haswell, flight engineer; 21 yrs, from Ohio
Pfc. Joseph Kotcher, gunner, 23 yrs, from Illinois
They were all initially buried in the US Military Cemetery, Townsville.
Lieut. Joe H. Meadors, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Meadors, was killed somewhere in the Far East on April 21. News of the death of Lieut. Meadors came to his parents Tuesday in a message from the War Department. The telegram from the War Department gave no details except that Lieut. Meadors was killed in an airplane accident and expressed commendation for the young flyer and sympathy for his parents. It stated that a letter was following which would give further details.
Lieut. Meadors graduated from the Dillon High School and entered Clemson College where he graduated with a S. S. degree in the class of 1935. He received an appointment in the U.S. Army Air Corps as an instructor in one of the tactical units. Last November he entered the Bombardment Training School at Barksdale Field, Ala and following his appointment as a cadet he was transferred to Love Field, Dallas, Texas for primary training and upon completion of his course at Love Field he was assigned to active duty in the Army Air Corps. How long Lieut. Meadors had been in the Far East is not known, as it is not the policy of the War Department to give out information in regard to assignments to active duty.Resolutions of Commendation and Sympathy – The following resolutions of sympathy and commendation were adopted by the local unit of the S. C. Defense Force at its meeting Tuesday night:
Company Orders – No. 19 It is with deep regret that I announce to the members of this command that notification was received today of the death of 2nd Lieut. Joe H. Meadors, who was killed in an airplane accident in the Far Eastern Theater of War in the discharge of his duty.
- Lieut. Meadors was serving voluntarily in the U. S. Army Air Corps.
- The officers and men of this command extend their most sincere sympathy to the bereaved family and feel a distinct sense of loss in the untimely death of our friend and fellow townsman. His patriotic sacrifice will be a lasting inspiration to us in our small efforts toward maintaining the ideals for which he gave his life.
By order of: James C. Medlin, Captain Commanding Co. E.
Transcribed by Sue C. Myers – Obituaries were provided by Helen Belden Moody – Visit Helen’s Little Corner at https://www.helenslittlecorner.net/