Lorenzo Dow Suggs, Jr.
YMCA Council; Horticulture Club 2,3,4; Sports: Track 2; Boxing 2,3,4; Cross Country 1,3;, One of Hornet's Proteges
Loris, South Carolina
He was survived by his wife, Nettie Bourne Suggs and sons: L. D. Suggs III and Robert Michael Suggs.
Army, First Lieutenant
Company E, 358th Infantry Regiment, 90th Infantry Division
Purple Heart
Apr 29, 1912
Jan 13, 1945
Died of Wounds, Killed in the Battle of the Bulge.
Patterson Cemetery, Loris, SC
Additional Information
According to his son Robert M. Suggs, he served as a prison commander before being sent to lead troops in the Battle of the Bulge.