Paul Anthony Gregory, Jr.

Textile Engineering
Swimming 1, 2; Minor "C" Club 2, 4, Secretary-Treasurer 3; Clemson Flying Cadets 3, 4; Freshman Platoon; Marksman, ROTC Camp, Clemson, SC.
Marietta, GA
Wife - the former Ada Byrd McNeel of Marietta, GA; son, Paul A. Gregory, III (6 months old); parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Gregory, Sr.; and brother, Pomeroy Gregory.
Army Air Force, First Lieutenant
5th Troop Carrier Sq, 10 Troop Carrier Gp
Jul 5, 1921
Nov 21, 1943
DNB (Death non-Battle)
Mountain View Park Cemetery, Marietta, GA
Additional Information
His home duty station was Fort Benning, GA.
Accident report #113, Aircraft Model: C-47 A, S/N #42-5672
Location: Lawson field, GA. , 5th Troop Carrier Squadron; 10 th Troop Carrier Group
Place of Departure: Lawson Field, Ga, Intended destination: Willow Grove, PA
Type of Mission: Glider tow, Date: 21 November 1943, Time: 21:10. Location of Crash: Tamaque, PA
Reason aircraft was Lost: Violent front affected instrument and radio conditions. Bad visibility caused pilot to collide with mountain top while on final approach.
Number of Persons aboard aircraft 9
Crew and passangers:
1st Lt. George A. Blanchard-Pilot
1st Lt. Paul A. Gregory-Copilot
Capt. Bernard Cederholm
T/Sgt. Emmett W. Johnson-Engineer
Sgt. Manuel Lorber
Pvt. Edmond J. Gaydos
2nd Lt. George J. Fritsche
W. Enloe
Charles H. Davis
Narrative Summary
A three-ship formation of C-47 airplanes was directed to fly non-stop from Lawson field, GA to Willow Grove, PA for the purpose of towing gliders. The ill-fated aircraft was the leader of the three. The pilot apparently saw the auxiliary field at Barnsville as he was seen to pass over it with his landing lights burning. He then turned them off and still visible to the witness at the airport made a large circle as if to land. However, he disappeared behind the mountain as he turned towards Tamaqua where he was picked up by Tamaqua witnesses. One witness reports him turning toward the mountain with his landing lights on again. This is believed to be what he considered his final approach leg to the field. It was reported raining harder on the Tamaqua side of the mountain and the top was partially obscured by fog. Therefore, it is believed that being lost and with radio reception reportedly very bad, he did not realize the presence of the mountain between him and the field. Examination of the wreck found the right gear extended, further sustaining this opinion. The other two C-47s in the flight returned to Washington upon encountering the bad weather.