Roy Homer Shealy


Electrical Engineering

Attended Clemson during the 1938-1941 school years.

Edgefield, SC

He was survived by his wife, Mrs. Elizabeth Day Shealy of Trenton. He was also survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Shealy; and two sisters, Mrs. Brent Lindler and Miss Martha Shealy, all of Carlisle.

Army Air Force, Second Lieutenant

820th Bomber Squadron, 41st Bomber Group

Purple Heart, Air Medal

Jan 23, 1922

Feb 12, 1944

Finding of Death (FOD). He was the pilot of a B-25 bomber and was reported missing over the area of Wotje Island, an atoll of the Marshall Islands. (See Missing Aircrew Report)

Memorialized at the Honolulu Memorial, Honolulu, HI and at Mount Horeb Lutheran Church Cemetery in Chapin, SC.


Additional Information

Missing Aircrew Report:

MARC #: 2298    Aircraft Model: B-24;   S/N#: 42-64915

Command or AAF/ AF:  Group: 41st Bomb;  Squadron: 820th Bomb
Date: 12 Feb 1944    Time:              
Location of Crash:  1 Mile from beach at Wotje Atoll Marshall  Islands in the Pacific
Number of Person Aboard Aircraft-  Crew: 6  Passengers:  0         Total: 6


List of Crew (crew positions, name, rank, status)
1st Lt. Galloway, Robert L.
2nd Lt. Shealy, Roy H.
2nd Lt. Knight, Richard H.
S/Sgt. Matthews, Clyde
S/Sgt. Richotte Joseph A.
Sgt. Mayer, Theodore H.


Narrative or eye witness statements

2nd Lt. Shealy’s aircraft was in a formation of six planes leaving their target.  It had smoke and flame coming from its left engine.  As it turned slightly left to close up the formation it stalled and knifed into the water in flames from approximately 100ft.  The entire crew were declaired dead.


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