Steele Roy Patterson
Electrical Engineering
Freshman Football, Central Dance Association, A.I.E.E, Tiger Brotherhood, The Tiger, First Sergeants Club, Sigma Epsilon
Seneca, South Carolina
He was survived by his wife, the former Marian DeBroot and two daughters, Pamelia and Patsy. He was also survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Patterson of Seneca; three brothers, George A. Patterson of Seneca, Earle Patterson of St. Louis, and Lieutenant Scott Patterson, stationed in Europe; two sisters, Mrs. C. B. Coe of Lynchburg, VA, and Mrs Charles Dent of Jacksonville, FL.
Army Air Force, Lieutenant Colonel
465th Squadron, 415th Bombardment Group
Jul 31, 1913
Oct 13, 1944
Non Battle Death - He died from injuries received in a bomber crash near Orlando, FL where he was an instructor.
Buried at Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, Virginia; Section 3, Site 4594-A
Additional Information
United States Army Airplane Casualty Report # 48; A/C Model – TB25C-15NA; Location – Orlando Fla; Unit; 902nd AAFBU Sq H Flt Ops Squadron, Mission; AAF Board Project No. T-36; Date; October 6, 1944; Reason for Loss: Collision
Lt. Col Horace C. Craig – Pilot Lt. Col Steele R. Patterson –Copilot Col Robert L. Anderson –Engineer Cpl Ivan K. Wyatt – Passenger Pvt Clifford C. Tice –Passenger Narrative:- On October 6, 1944 approximately 1 mile from take-off site at Orlando, Florida AAFTAC Air Base the B-25C type aircraft was involved in an aircraft accident in which the left engine failed. The resulting crash resulted in one fatality, Lt. Colonel Steele R. Patterson, and multiple severe injuries of all other crew and passengers.
- During pre-check the pilot and co-pilot both reported satisfactory conditions. During the flight taxi the pilot reported that between 70 and 80 mph the plane nose wheel became airborne. The airplane then yawned left as a result of the loss of power to the left engine. The plane continued to gain altitude still turning in a left direction that the pilot stated was impossible to correct. Eventually the plane straightened with extreme effort and the pilot guided into two trees to break the force of the impact. The aircraft crashed and burned in a highly wooded area. All personnel exited through a hole in the roof of the fuselage suffering from various degrees of cuts, burns, and abrasions. Those of Lt. Colonel Steele R. Patterson proved fatal 8 days following the accident.
- As a whole the entire aircraft was determined a total loss with both the engines and propellers found irreparable from the sustained damage.
He was the first Commander 465th Squadron, 415th Bombardment Group