Thomas Henly Rembert, Jr.


Agricultural Education

Attended Clemson during the 1938-1940 school years.

Bishopville, SC

Mother - Mrs. Blondel Hearon Rembert

Army Air Force, Second Lieutenant

Sep 20, 1921

Dec 30, 1943

Lieutenant Rembert was killed in a plane crash near the Venice Army Air Base, FL.


Additional Information

Accident Report #44-12-30-8

Aircraft Model P-47G-1; S/N# 42-24943
Organization: Location: Venice AAF, Venice, Florida .
Squadron #A-73, 14th Ftr.; Group: 53rd Ftr
Place of Departure: Venice Army Air Field in Gulf
Intended destination: Local Area
Type of Mission: Transition
Date: 30 November 1943; Time: 09:50
Location of Crash: Venice Army Air Field in Gulf
Reason aircraft was Lost: Spin due to engine failure
Number of Persons aboard aircraft; Crew 1 Passengers 0 Total 1
List of Crew (Crew position, Name, Rank, Status)
            2nd Lt. Rembert, Thomas H., Jr., Pilot-fatal
Narrative of eyewitness statements:
Lt. Rembert apparently called the Tower stating that it was necessary for him to make an emergency landing.  Once permission was given, Lt. Rembert called back to say his propeller had gone out. 
Evidently Lt. Rembert banked his airplane too steep in an attempt to line up with the runway.  Since he had lost power, the airplane stalled at an altitude of approximately 1000 feet and plunged into the gulf, about 300 yards off the end of the runway he was assigned.

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Extra Documents

Chemist in Battle – Vignette Written by Kelly Durham for The Echo