William Dewees Livingston, Jr.


Textile Chemistry

Charleston, SC

Marine Corps, Lieutenant

Santa Ana Marine Air Station

Oct 29, 1944

Jan 18, 1944

His Corsair Fighter was in a mid-air collison with a P-38. The other pilot bailed out but Lieutenant Livingston went down with both fighters.

St. Lawrence Cemetery, Charleston, SC


Personal Remembrances

Livingston Rites Set for Saturday.  Lt. W.D. Livingston, Jr. killed January 18 in a plane crash off Newport Beach.  Born in Charleston, October 29, 1922.  He graduated from Columbia High School and was in his third year at Clemson College when he volunteered for the Naval Air Corps at the age of 19.
Extract: The Charleston Evening Post January 27, 1944

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Extra Documents

Crowded Skies – Vignette written by Kelly Durham for The Echo