William Neville Nickles


Charleston, SC

Army Air Force, 2nd Lieutenant

408th Bomber Squadron, 22nd Bomb Group (Heavy)

Air Medal, Purple Heart -- Citation on the Air Medal: “For meritorious achievement while participating in sustained operational flight missions in the Southwest Pacific area from 23 April, 1945 to 4 June, 1945, during which hostile contact was probable and expected. These operations consisted of bombing missions against enemy airdromes and installations and attacks on naval vessels and shipping. The courage and devotion to duty displayed during these flights reflect great credit on the United States Army Air Reserves.”

Jan 31, 1922

Jun 22, 1945

Killed in Action - Luzon (Philippines)

Memorialized at Manila American Cemetery in Fort Bonifacio, Manila, Philippines and Greenville Presbyterian Cemetery near Hodges SC.


Additional Information

MARC #: 14674 Aircraft Model: B-24 D; S/N#: 44-41647                                          
Organization: Location: Clark Field, Philippines
Command:  Group: 408th Bomb Squadron: 22nd Bomb Group(H)
Place of departure: Clark Field, Philippines
Target or Intended Destination: Toshien, Formosa
Type of Mission: Strike
Date: 22 June 1945    Time: 1045
Location of Crash: While taking off Clark Field (Unable to make out)
Number of Person Aboard Aircraft–  Crew: 10   Passengers:  1 Total: 11


List of Crew (crew positions, name, rank, status)
2nd Lt. Nickles, Wiliam (Pilot)
2nd Lt. Ricks (Co-Pilot) 
2nd Lt. Istanish, Albert (Navigator)
2nd Lt. Shanks, Nelson S. (Bombardier)
T/Sgt. Hedge, Tellie H. Jr. (Engineer)
Cpl. Jensen, Richard L. (Asst Engineer)
Cpl. Schott, Joseph P. (Asst Operator)
Cpl. Ritonia, Arthur (Radio Operator)
Cpl. Barteau, Arthur M. (Gunner)
Pfc. Lann, Seymour S. (Gunner)
2nd Lt. Hodous, Ernest (Radio Secretary Officer)


Narrative or eye witness statements

A through search was performed for 2nd Lt. Nickles aircraft but it was never found.  There is no knowledge of what caused the crash.

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Extra Documents

Vignette in The Echo written by Kelly Durham – The Vanishing Smile